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Ben is a New Zealand based photographer, Outdoor Instructor and Adventurer. With a keen eye for the lesser known, he is drawn to exploring and photographing areas far off the beaten path. 

Growing up in New Zealand’s ‘great outdoors’ have given him a deep-seated appreciation for the natural world. Exploring and adventuring in the New Zealand backcountry quickly grew to a global scale. 


Ben’s passion for photography developed as a way of capturing and sharing experiences gained in earth’s wild and remote places. Sharing and educating on the uniqueness and fragility of our natural environments is a something he holds very dear.  


Drawn by the unknown, Ben has travelled extensively throughout the 7 continents in search of adventure. By bike, kayak or foot, he always has a camera close at hand.

Each year, Ben’s travel take him to the Arctic, Antartica, New Zealand, Europe and beyond. 


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